Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Testimony

Since this is a Christian site, I feel it would not be complete without a place to share testimonies. I think testimonies are important, as they inspire others and help them to rely on God.
My testimony will be a running post throughout this blog. We'll start when I first felt God in my life. I was 10 years old, when I had my first serious health problem. I had a stroke, which left me paralyzed on my right side and not able to speak. As you can imagine, it was very frightening for me, as well as those around me.
It was on a Saturday afternoon, when I was playing with my friends. Suddenly, I was overcome with the worst headache I had ever felt. I took some aspirin and laid down. When I got up, I felt better and went with my parents to my aunt's house. That night, I went out for hamburgers with my sister and my two cousins. We had just pulled up to my parents house, when suddenly I felt pins and needles on one side of my face, I couldn't move my right side of my body, and I couldn't tell anyone because I had lost my speech.
The doctors had told my parents the first night, it was touch and go, and if I made it through the night, I would probably be a vegetable. When I started to respond to stimuli, they said that I would be bedridden all my life. When I sat in the wheelchair for the first time, they told by parents that I would never walk again. Well, I did walk again. This was a miracle; this was God.  The first Sunday after I got out of the hospital a month later, the whole family went to church to thank God.

God opened my eyes to a world, which without this experience, I would not have been privileged to know. This experience led to a lifetime of trials that would test my endurance, physically. I will share some more of these encounters with you later.
I encourage you to share with us your testimonies and experiences that God has given to you.  They helped you to be strong, and may possibly help others, as well.

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