Friday, July 5, 2013

Experiencing Life Together ~ Wrap Up

Each one of you is 
part of the body of 
Christ, and you 
were chosen to live 
together in peace.
       Colossians 3:15

A while back, we discussed fellowship, as pertaining to "The Purpose Driven Life". Due to technical difficulties, we had to cut our lesson short. Today, we are going to wrap up this lesson, entitled "Experiencing Life Together".

God intended for us to share our lives with each other. This is called fellowship. The word fellowship now is used to describe casual conversation, socializing, food, and fun. When we say, "Where do you fellowship?", we often mean, "Where do you go to church?" This just skims the top of what fellowship means. Real fellowship means to experience one another's life together. Real fellowship is unselfish. It includes loving, sharing, serving, comforting, giving, and all the other commands in the New Testament that deal with relationships.  Real fellowship is usually found in a small gathering, not in church. Not to say that a church gathering is not important; but what a church gathering does is worship; while a fellowship meeting is a small, and more intimate gathering of brothers and sisters sharing each other's problems and triumphs.

The following are three bullet points that we have already gone over. I include them here to refresh your memory.

1. In real fellowship people experience authenticity.

2. In real fellowship people experience mutuality.

3. In real fellowship people experience sympathy.

As I stated above, these three points we have gone over in earlier lessons. So, I will start with the forth point.

In real fellowship people experience mercy. In fellowship, we often share our mistakes. We need to feel that these mistakes will not be held against us, but that we will receive mercy from our brothers and sisters. "We all need mercy, because we all stumble and fall and require help getting back on track" (Warren). God says "When people sin, you should forgive and comfort them, so they won't give up in despair" (2 Corinthians 2:7).  We can't have fellowship without forgiveness. We will never be asked to forgive someone more than God has already forgiven us.

When we are hurt by someone, we have a choice to make. Will we use our energy for retaliation or forgiveness? We can't do both. If we forgive, we must forgive immediately. This means to instantly forgive someone of their sin, and to not hold a grudge. In other words, do not burn inside.

Point to Ponder:

I need others in my life.

Verse two Remember:

Galatians 6:2

Question to Consider:

What one step I take today to connect with another believer at a more genuine, heart - to - heart level?

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