Saturday, April 6, 2013

Foundation of a Christian

I have been challenged recently about my Christianity.  Did you know that religion and Christianity aren't necessarily the same thing? Another no-brainer for most of us, but believe it or not, there are people out there that think because I am a Christian, I have to be a religious fanatic.  Furthermore, because I go to an Independent Fundamental Baptist church, I am a dangerous nut, who wants to blow up the world! (This happens when anybody hears the word 'fundamental' in connection with religion.)  Nothing could be further from the truth.  "Fundamental Baptists" are a group of people who teach from the Bible, without watering it down.  But I digress.
Our lesson today will take us to different books in the Bible, but our main passage is Acts 11:19-26.  The first question we must ask ourselves is: 
What is real Bible Christianity and a Christian Home?
This answer is very easy: It is centered around Jesus (vs 20).

There are two kinds of religions:
The first is man-made, which states that you can get to heaven based on works, or what you do.  This is a very easy trap in which to fall.  Usually, a person says, "I am a good person.  I do all kinds of work for the community.  Of course, I am going to heaven."  Especially, when this statement is followed by, "I don't need to go to church" or "I don't need to read the Bible, WATCH OUT!  The trap is set!!
Th second kind of religion states that you get to heaven based on what Christ did for mankind at the cross.  This is the simple truth; no more, no less.

Bible Christianity involves the principle of conversion.
What is the cause of conversion?  Paul said it when he preached "publicly and house to house" (Acts 20:20).  This caused repentance, which led to faith in God.  But what does it mean to be repentant?  First, you need do see yourself as God sees you.  Do not think that you can hide your actions or thoughts from God, because you are only cheating yourself.  We all are sinners, plain and simple.  You need to ask for God's mercy, and He will give it to you.  He is a great and merciful God.  As 2 Cor 5:17 states, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here" (NIV)!  How exciting!  All you have to do is to confess and, repent in your heart, and you are free!  Free to love God as He would have you love Him; as He loves you!
After you are committed to Christ, it is not physically impossible to sin, for we all fall short, but God changes our desires, and we no longer want the things that the old man wanted in our lives.
Some verses to look up and meditate on:
1 JN 2:15-17
James 4:4

Jesus gave His all for us ~ should we spurn His love?

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