Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seeing Life from God's View ~ Day 5

What is your life? (James 4:14b)

The way we see our lives, shapes our lives.  We define our lives by the way we spent our time; what our goals are; what we devote our energy on; even how we treat others.

People have different ways of seeing life: as a circus; as a carousel; as a game.  These are called life metaphors.  What is your metaphor for life?  Not so easy, is it?  Yet we live it every minute of every day. 

Mr. Warren says that "[our] life metaphors [influence] our [lives] more that [we] realize,"  These metaphors shape our life expectations and our values.  For instance, to use one of Mr. Warren's examples, if we think of life as a party, we most likely value having fun.

So again, what is your life metaphor, or to state it simple, your view of life?  Take a moment to analyze what is important to you.

Mr. Warren is using this study to change our life metaphors to be biblical.  Then we can start to fulfill the purpose of our lives according to God.  We need to change ourselves to God's standards, and stop living the standards of the world.  (Rom 12:2)

Three life metaphors that are taught in the Bible are: 1) life is a test; 2) life is a trust; and 3) life is a temporary assignment.  These are foundations of purpose-driven living.

Life is a Test

This is seen throughout the Bible.  God tested His children's faith, obedience, character, loyalty, etc. through different trials.  He was refining faith and character of His people through tests.

Just as He did in the Bible, He does today.  God is constantly refining and molding us into better Christians.  We are being tested everyday of our lives.  When we start to understand and accept that life is a test; that nothing happens by accident; and there are no coincidences, we begin to see God at work in our lives around every corner and in every facet.  It is exciting and humbling at the same time.

Some of the tests may seem insurmountable; but fear not, God will always provide the grace to pass them. (1 Cor 10:13)  When we pass a test here on earth, we will receive a reward in eternity. (James 1:12)

Life is a Trust

This metaphor says that all the gifts that God has entrusted to us (i.e. our intelligence, talents, opportunities, relationships, energy and resources), everything that we have, are given to us temporarily to manage for God.  In other words, God is the owner of everything, and we are stewards for Him. (Ps 24:1)  The things that we are surrounded by are on loan, so to speak (1 Cor 4:2)

At the end of our life, we will all be evaluated on how we have taken care of God's property.  If we do well, we will be given three awards: 1) God's affirmation; 2) greater responsibility in eternity; 3) and last, we will be honored with a celebration.

There is a direct correlation between "worldly wealth" (money) and "true riches" (spiritual blessings).  Gods tests our ability as stewards.  Good stewards are endowed with spiritual blessings.  God gives to us as much as we show that we can be responsible for; no more, no less. 

Point to Ponder

Life is a test and a trust.

Verse to Remember

Luke 16:10a

Question to Consider

What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God?  What are the greatest matters that God has entrusted to me?

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