Monday, April 22, 2013

The Journey of a Purpose Driven Life

As promised last week, we are starting a new study called "A Purpose Driven Life".  This study lasts 40 days( however, we will take more time with it) and it will be taken from Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth am I Here For?".  There are several editions of this book (I just happen to have the ebook, IBSN 978-0-310-32933-6) but there is a hardcopy, IBSN 978-031-32906-0.  There are also books to accompany the main book, so please be careful when you buy it.  You want the one that is broken down into days.

Mr. Warren did not just arbitrarily pick forty days for our spiritual journey, when he wrote this book.  There is something special about this number.  God consider 40 days spiritually significant many times in the Bible.  For instance:

David and his fight with Goliath
The city of Nineveh was transformed
Jesus in the wilderness
The disciples were with Jesus after His resurrection

So, the fact that this book is split up into 40-days, is no coincidence.  This book, if we allow it to, will spiritually transform us.  We will do only a chapter a day, as we need to meditate on each chapter and apply the knowledge that we have obtained to our lives.

After we go through each day, we need to memorize a verse to help to apply the lesson to our lives; answer a question regarding the reading; and we need to ponder the point of the lesson for that day.  I suggest that we all pick up a cheap composition book in which to keep notes, verses and thoughts.

The author suggests that we do not do this study alone, but to get partners to go through this journey together.  To commit to each other, if you will.  We will use the "comments" on the bottom of the daily blog to record exactly who is on the road of transformation with us, and what their thoughts are everyday.  This is our covenant; our promise to God and each other.

In this way, we can pray for each other.  Pray that we stay strong in the Lord, for as we all know, though Satan attacks those who are committed to God, God gives us strength to overcome.  We need to stay strong and not miss one single day of reading, journaling, memorizing and praying; for keeping our promises to God, to each other and to ourselves will transform us into better Christians.

If at all possible, please invest in the book, as it is an investment into your Christian lives.  Verses to look up:

Proverbs 11:28
Jer 17:7-8

We will see you all tomorrow for Day 1 of our journey.

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